A life-long PC user may view making the switch to Mac as intimidating. Believe it or not, this anxiety-ridden transition can actually be pretty easy! We’ve put together a helpful resource to ensure your success with shortcuts and to optimize your productivity. All you need to ensure success with your new Mac are these shortcuts:
Shortcut of zooming out in Windows in Parallels Desktop. I have a french keyboard. I try to use Windows 10 via Parallels Desktop under Mac. In Mac, in Chrome we use cmd + = and cmd + - to zoom in and zoom out. It is the same in VS Code. Browse other questions tagged keyboard shortcut parallels-desktop or ask your own question.
I am having a bit of an issue. I run windows 7 and mac os on the same computer on different hard drives in this computer. I also have a 'mac' keyboard. I am not sure how this may be different from a 'windows keyboard' but the point is i need to use this keyboard because it matches the one on my laptop which is a mac. Go to the Parallels Desktop menu > Preferences > Shortcuts tab > System Shortcuts > set 'Send System Shortcuts' option to 'Always'. This entailed also giving Parallels permission to control my Mac in a different System Preferences menus.
Still need Windows? Parallels Desktop is perfect for you. (Bonus: you can start a free trial right now.)
Keyboard Shortcuts For Apple
If you need any more help switching from PC to Mac, here’s another good resource: Apple has developed an extensive lesson plan for PC users that are new to Mac: Mac Basics.